Anaconda on Triton


Anaconda is an open-source distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing. The Anaconda distribution comes with conda, which is a package manager and environment manager, and over 150 packages automatically installed (other 1,500+ packages could be downloaded and installed easily from the Anaconda repository). In order to use Anaconda on Triton, you need to have access to the UM network and the Triton system. Please check IDSC ACS Policies

Conda General Commands

  • $ conda create -n <environment name> python=<version> to create an environment

  • $ conda env list to list all available environments

  • $ conda activate <environment name> to activate an environment

Inside an environment (after activating the environment):

  • $ conda list to list installed packages

  • $ conda install <package name> to install a package

  • $ conda install <package name>=<version> to install a package with a specific version

  • $ conda install -c <url> <package name> to install a package from a specific channel (repository)

  • $ conda remove <package name> to uninstall a package

  • $ conda deactivate to deactivate the environment

Please check the official document for details.

Conda Environment

A Conda environment contains a specific collection of application software, frameworks and their dependencies that are maintained and run separately from software in another environment.

Using Conda environment on the command line

  • $ ml anaconda3/<version> or ml wml_anaconda3/<version> if you need to install deep learning packages

  • $ conda activate <your environment or system pre-installed environment>

  • Run test program (dependencies have been installed in the environment)

  • $ conda deactivate


Only small test program should be run on the command line. Formal jobs need to be submitted via LSF.

Using Conda environment in the LSF job script

An LSF job script example using Conda environment:

#BSUB -J "job_example"
#BSUB -o "job_example_%J.out"
#BSUB -e "job_example_%J.err"
#BSUB -n 4
#BSUB -R "rusage[mem=2G]"
#BSUB -q "normal"
#BSUB -W 00:30
#BSUB -u <my_email>

ml anaconda3
conda activate <my_environment>
python <path to>

In, you can import any package that has been installed in your environment. Details about job scheduling can be found at Triton Job Scheduling.

Creating an Conda environment

For Python

$ conda create -n <environment name> python=<version> <package1> <package2> <...>

For example, conda create -n my_env python=3.7 numpy scipy will create an environment at ~/.conda/envs with Python 3.7.x and two packages numpy and scipy. You can also specify the package versions.


You do not need to install all packages at the same time while creating the environment, but doing so will resolve the dependencies altogether and avoid further conflicts, so this is the recommended way to create the environment.

For R

$ conda create -n <r environemnt name> -c conda-forge r-base

-c conda-forge guides conda to find the r-base package from conda-forge channel.

Installing Conda packages

If you want to install more packages after creating the environment, you can run conda install <package> in the activated environment.


If the package is not found, you can do a search in the Anaconda Cloud and choose Platform linux-ppc64le. Click on the name of the found package, the detail page will show you how to install the package with a specific channel.

If the package is still not found, you could try pip install <package>


Issues may arise when using pip and conda together. Only after conda has been used to install as many packages as possible should pip be used to install any remaining software. If modifications are needed to the environment, it is best to create a new environment rather than running conda after pip.

Different Anaconda Installed on Triton

Several Anaconda have been installed on Triton. You can use module load (ml as a shortcut) to load different Anaconda. Loading the module does source <anaconda installed path>/etc/profile.d/ behind the scenes.


Anaconda3 has Python 3.x as its base Python version (although it can download Python 2.x as well). On Triton, different versions of Anaconda3 located at /share/apps/anaconda3/ use the default configuration which will search packages from and

In order to use it, run ml anaconda3/<version>. ml anaconda3 will load the default version which is Anaconda3-2019.10 at the time the document is edited.


Anaconda2 has Python 2.x as its base Python version. On Triton, different versions of Anaconda2 located at /share/apps/anaconda2/ use the default configuration which will search packages from and

In order to use it, run ml anaconda2/<version>. ml anaconda2 will load the default version which is Anaconda2-2019.07 at the time the document is edited.

Anaconda3 for Deep Learning

Anaconda3 for Deep Learning is configured to first search packages from the deep learning channel supported by IBM at, and then the and channels.

In order to use it, run ml wml_anaconda3/<version>. ml wml_anaconda3 will load the default version which is Anaconda3-2019.10 at the time the document is edited.

More details can be found at IBM WML on Triton User Menu.

Installing Your Own Anaconda

If you would like to manage your own Anaconda, you can install it in your home directory following the instruction of Installing Anaconda on Linux POWER.